Blue Ocean Society's Whale Sightings

Greetings! Thanks for visiting our blog. Our staff and interns will be posting their experiences here working on whale watch boats in NH and MA.

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Old friends return

Yesterday (7/3o) I was on the Atlantic Queen and we were happy to see some old friends on the water! We started off with some great looks at a mother/calf pair we've seen this season already, #9904 (who had her last calf 3 years ago).

#9904 and calf

The calf was fun to watch - a couple times it poked its head up first as it came to the surface, a behavior more like a minke whale than a fin whale! After we watched this pair for awhile, a single whale came along - an adult named "Crow" (who could likely be a male since we've seen him several different times and never with a calf), who we first started tracking in 1998 but was first photographed in 1987! This whale has been seen in our area every year since 2004, and has also been sighted off Mount Desert Rock in Maine and off of New York! Crow has a very distinctive dorsal fin, so we could identify him almost immediately:

There have been other familiar fin whales in the area, including "Dingle," who we named for the little point coming out of the back if its dorsal fin. Dingle was seen on Sunday:

Fin whales are an endangered species, and just beautiful to watch. They are probably the most graceful whale we see! Hope you can join us soon and see them for yourself.

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