Blue Ocean Society's Whale Sightings

Greetings! Thanks for visiting our blog. Our staff and interns will be posting their experiences here working on whale watch boats in NH and MA.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Marine life galore!

Today was an awesome day with sightings throughout the trip- harbor porpoises, harbor seals, minke whales, fin whales, sei whales, humpback whales, an ocean sunfish and possibly and elusive BLUE whale!!

We began with the porpoises, minke and fin whales. From there we found a sei whale near a pair of adult humpbacks (Regulus and Glo-Stick).

In the close distance, Owl and her calf were breaching and flipper slapping!!! So wonderful to see since Owl is one of our adoptable whales and hasn't been seen on the ledge since mid July. Owl and her calf then joined up with the 2 adults and all 3 adults began flippering in synch! What an amazing sight!!!

As we were running low on time, we skirted the area and found Quote and her calf being escorted by Flask, another adoptable whale!!! So great to see him as well! Flask's tail adorns the back of our t-shirts and sweatshirts.

The trip wasn't over yet though. A fin whale, several more humpbacks and possibly a BLUE whale were also observed in the area. The elusive Blue was not cooperative and we never did get definative images of it, but as another boat had reported it earlier in the day, we are certain we caught a glimpse of it, even if it did not want to be seen.

As our season winds down, be sure to come out for one last chance of whale watching next weekend before the boats haul out on dry land.

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