Blue Ocean Society's Whale Sightings

Greetings! Thanks for visiting our blog. Our staff and interns will be posting their experiences here working on whale watch boats in NH and MA.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

September 1 - Prince of Whales- Newburyport

As folks are running around gathering supplies for the impending "hurricane", we spent the afternoon cruising the flat-calm waters of the Gulf of Maine in search of whales. Really, the seas could not have been any calmer!

Two minke whales greeted us near shore today- one gave us a wonderful view as it just circled the boat.

A bit further off shore our friend Hornbill, the humpback whale was seen but only briefly. He was true to his nature and was up for just a couple quick breaths and then went right back down. Hornbill the humpback whale

A bit further we found 2 fin whales- my favorite!!
This one might be Pemetic (#0312) but our images aren't quite good enough to know for sure. I hope to see this whale again soon so we can confirm its identity.

Fin whale surfacing

Fin whale- maybe #0312

Next, a couple of special whales surfaced- right whales!!! We shut the boat down and watched as these huge and very endangered whales took breaths at the surface and then gracefully dove. Soon, we got word from our friends on the Atlantic Queen of some sei whales in the area close by. We slowly motored that way and soon found ourselves among several more right whales!! What a special treat to find several of a critically endangered species among us! One of these whales even breached several times nearby! The rare of the rare!!

Soon we found our targeted species- the sei whales. Sei whales are also special treats for us as we don't see them very often in this area. To make the day even better, we saw 4 of these whales traveling together! Wonderful looks!!!

Sei whale
Two of the four sei whales!

Awesome day today!!! Thanks to Lulu and Abby for adopting Pinball too!!

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