For the fourth day in a row we have spent time with some familiar whales. While we often get the chance to see animals we recognize in the field and continue to see them over the course of a few consecutive days we've come to realize an interesting trait that has been reoccurring during our recent whale watches. Today we got the chance to spend time with Halfmoon the Humpback whale during both of our trips.
Halfmoon |
Whales tend to move around constantly as they search for food so sometimes we are lucky enough to see the same animal in the same general location during our morning and afternoon trips, and sometimes these animals do a bit of travelling and end up on other parts of Jeffreys Ledge as the day progresses. These behaviors are quite normal and sometimes even expected as we venture out throughout the day. However, for the 4th day in a row we have not only gotten the chance to see Halfmoon we have also been seeing Fjord the Fin whale in relatively close proximity to each other.
Fjord |
While spending time with these two whales over the course of the past few days they have never crossed paths but instead have tended to be within a few miles of each other. Again, this is not crazily unusual as both Fin whales and Humpback whales feed on the exact same food. It simply makes sense that if one type of whale is around it is very much possible another type can be close by.
The real zinger of all this is that both animals have been up, down, and all around different portions of Jeffreys Ledge over the past 4 days. One morning both are seen in one particular region, 24hrs later a completely different region, and the trend seems to be continuing each and every day. While this may not seem to be all that exciting of news, we have been finding it quite intriguing. Honestly it could be completely coincidental seeing these two animals day in and day out on different section of the Ledge but regardless we continue to chuckle as each time we end up seeing one, the other never seems to be too far away. So thanks again to Halfmoon and Fjord for allowing our passengers to get some great looks at these two large adult whales (Fjord is at least 31 years old while Halfmoon is at least 33 years old!) and to all our passengers, many of whom are repeat whale-spotting pros, and our first time crowds, for another beautiful day spent watching such incredibly intriguing mammals.
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