Blue Ocean Society's Whale Sightings

Greetings! Thanks for visiting our blog. Our staff and interns will be posting their experiences here working on whale watch boats in NH and MA.

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Captains Lady III August 10

After a couple of days tied up at the dock we were anxious to head out and see what the sightings had to hold for us.  Both our morning and afternoon trips we came up with several Minke whales who kept us on our toes,as Minke whales do!

Minke whale on the move
Quick moving Minke whale

Minke going down
Pleasure boater way to close to our Minke whale!!
Most days on the water spending time with whales doing what whales do is a relaxing and pleasurable time. Well not all days are like that.  We spotted a Minke whale who had an interaction with a boat at some point in its life.  The scar this small whale is living with is visible from both sides of the animal; always a disturbing and sad sight.  All marine mammals are protected from harm and harassment in the United States, but they are not always protected from boaters who feel as though they can chase whales down.  Whales are found through out the Gulf of Maine sometimes closer to shore,  sometimes off shore. We just never know where they will be from one day to the next.  If you know of friends who own boats and spend time in the Gulf of Maine please remind them to always be on alert for whales or other marine life. "See a Spout, Watch Out!" Remember we are just visitors to the home of whales. Give them the space and respect they deserve, and help us spread the word about whale conservation and education.  The world will be a better place for whales if you do!

Thank you to all of our enthusiastic and curious passengers we had the pleasure of spending time with today. Your questions and comments keep us  motivated to continue to protect the marine mammals who call the Gulf of Maine home.

For the whales,


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