Blue Ocean Society's Whale Sightings

Greetings! Thanks for visiting our blog. Our staff and interns will be posting their experiences here working on whale watch boats in NH and MA.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Thursday on the Granite State

Another day of the feeding frenzy on Jeffreys Ledge. I wish I could say we see this sort of activity all the time, but in reality we don't, so it truly has continued to be a treat to watch some of the animals we have out on the Ledge provide some incredible behaviors for all our passengers to watch.

Two new Humpbacks for the season were seen this morning, Colt and Cajun. When we came across Colt, this animal was acting like a normal whale breathing every few minutes and going down for deeper dives. The surprise we had when it jumped clear out of the water close to the boat was definitely something no one was expecting! Then this animal started to flipper slap, roll over and flipper slap upside down, and even tail breached for us once. It was quite the entertainment for everyone. Pictured below is Cajun's tail, another new visitor to Jeffrey's this year!Along with our new found animals today we also had a few familiar tails that have been in and around the area over the past few weeks including two adopt-a-whales, Flask and Satula! More bubble cloud feeding some some of the other Humpbacks in the area as well as more than a dozen Fin whales charging about. One of our Fin whales we spent some time with this morning is pictured below.

Our afternoon trip took us on a bit of an added adventure when the sea conditions built a bit more than anticipated. No worries though everyone toughed it out and we got into an area full of life. We saw Bluefin tuna and lots of Shearwaters attacking a school of fish. We saw a couple of Fin whales and more bubble feeding from our Humpback whales. Flask was back in action open mouth feeding and we even found another familiar visitor to the Ledge, Quote. She too was circling around the area going after all the food we came across.

Thanks to everyone who joined us today and for all the great questions you all asked. I have yet to find an answer as to how quickly a whale can digest/absorb their food. Anyone out there have any thoughts or suggestions??

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