We began with a wiggly fin whale who seemed to be moving all over the place. After a few surfacings we got lucky and happened to be near it when it came up, allowing us some good looks. It seemed strange that the second largest animal on the planet was so difficult to see!
Then we got a call from our friends on the Granite State- a whale watch boat from Rye. They had seen several humpback whales in the area so we cruised over towards them to check out the whales.
We found 4 humpback whales- 2 pairs. We stayed with one pair as they were slowly swimming to the west. This pair was 2 humpbacks that we know well- Spoon and Chromosome! Spoon is still my favorite even though she wouldn't lift her tail today. Chromosome was pretty lazy as well, though he did show us a few tail flicks.

Chromosome almost lifting his flukes!
All in all, a beautiful blustery day on the water! I can't believe that tomorrow is our last trip on the Prince of Whales! Will we see you out there with us?Keep in touch!Become a Fan on Facebook || Follow Us On Twitter
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