During our trip today we got the chance to spend time with a Fin whale, 4 Humpback whales and a few Minke whales scattered around the outskirts of the area. Our first whale of the day was a large Fin whale on the move. Eventually this whale slowed to circle around giving us a chance to get some nice looks at this animal. After checking out this whale's uniquely shaped dorsal fin we now know it is #0808, a whale that has been spending some time around Jeffreys Ledge recently. What a nice whale to start our trip on before heading further offshore.
Fin whale #0808 moving through the area again today! |
Since our other whale watching friends passed along reports of other types of whales not far from our current location soon we were off to look for some more marine life. We first spent some time with Valley and her calf.
Valley |
It has been so nice seeing such a familiar whale to the area (we have seen Valley on Jeffreys Ledge many times over the years!) still spending time here as she and her calf continue to utilize the area.
Valley and her calf |
Both Valley and her calf at one point even turned right in towards us, swam underneath the boat, and popped up on the other side. What a moment as you could see their bodies move so easily through the water!
Valley and her calf just before they both decided to swim right underneath us! |
Soon we let these whales move away and went to check out a couple of other spouts in the distance. Two more Humpback whales were in the area. It was Echo and Cacophony!
Echo |
We last saw these two whales over a week ago swimming side by side just like today's sighting! No one knows for sure if these two whales have been together this whole time but what a fun find to see them associated with each other once again today.
Echo and Cacophony at the surface |
At one point these two whales were in such synchrony with each other that they went down on a deeper dive pretty much simultaneously! Such a beautiful moment.
Simultaneous dives from this pair of Humpback whales (above and below) |
Our ride home provided us with one more sighting for the day but this time it was a fish, not a whale, we stopped to check out. We got a quick look at a big Ocean sunfish! What a nice way to wrap up another journey out to Jeffreys Ledge.
Ocean sunfish on its side |
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