Blue Ocean Society's Whale Sightings

Greetings! Thanks for visiting our blog. Our staff and interns will be posting their experiences here working on whale watch boats in NH and MA.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Got whales?

Jeffrey's Ledge seems to be providing all of our local whale watches with plenty of animals to view! Some highlights from the day include the Humpback whale Solas who delighted our morning passengers with some great feeding behaviors. This whale was corralling fish with lots of bubble clouds and my new favorite behavior kick feeding. The amount of water a whale can displace with one quick flick of it's tail is just incredible and such a sight to witness. We also found Minke whales and Fin whales scattered throughout the Ledge this morning.

Our afternoon trip again provided us with more feeding behaviors from both Fin whales and Humpback whales. One of the fin whale we spent some time kept lunging through the water scooping up food at least half a dozen times. Tigris, a Humpback whale, was also in the area and our passengers got a chance to spend time watching this particular cetacean bubble feed. You can see in the photo some very lucky schooling fish (most likely herring or mackerel) barely missing the whales open mouth as it came to the surface. Of course the birds weren't too far away and definitely used the opportunity to catch some of those fish the whale missed. The food web was in action all over the place today!

Plankton, fish, whales and birds. . . always a good sign life is out and about on the Ledge. Look forward to seeing you and finding some animals again tomorrow.

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