Blue Ocean Society's Whale Sightings

Greetings! Thanks for visiting our blog. Our staff and interns will be posting their experiences here working on whale watch boats in NH and MA.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Lot of whales on the Prince of Whales

What a day! The fog miraculously lifted and the afternoon trip was beautiful!

We ended up on southern Jeffreys Ledge with a number of whales around-mostly humpbacks but we did get a quick look at a minke!
The humpbacks seem to be all over so we found a few who were being cooperative- a trio swimming together! As of now, these whales were Polaris, the 25 year old male, Snowplow (11 years old) and possibly Aswan- all new visitors to the Ledge! These whales are typically found just to our south on Stellwagen Bank, preferring the sand eels that are plentiful there, but have been known to make occasional visits to the southern part of Jeffreys Ledge.

Aswan, Snowplow and Polaris

We also took some looks at a pair of humpbacks, but these whales didn't lift their tails for us so we are still unsure of their identity. Other whales were around but we ran out of time. Great to see new whales in the area!

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