Blue Ocean Society's Whale Sightings

Greetings! Thanks for visiting our blog. Our staff and interns will be posting their experiences here working on whale watch boats in NH and MA.

Friday, June 17, 2011

June 17 Granite State

We thought for sure we would have a run in with some scattered showers but the clouds parted and we had sunny skies for nearly the entire trip today! With the wind quite calm offshore we knew we had some great conditions for searching for whales.

We started with 2 Minke whales today as we headed offshore to Jeffreys Ledge. The first whale was only a couple miles from land and something we are not always so fortunate to see so soon into the trip! We continued on as we wanted to give ourselves plenty of time further offshore where our friends on the Prince of Whales had encountered more cetaceans only hours ago.

Whales being wild animals move freely in the open ocean so even knowing whales had been seen only a few hours prior to our departure, there is always a chance a whale could easily move away from an area as it is constantly searching for food. We scanned the clear horizon for any sign of whales once we reached the general location from our other Blue Ocean affiliated whale watch vessel and soon realized the whales had moved, but not too far away!

We too got a chance to spend time with Pinball and Satula today!



Both whales spent most of the time circling their current area and even produced a few bubble cloud remnants near by, an indication of some deep water feeding! By the end of the trip the two whales parted ways and headed off in different directions. It is always so interesting to get the chance to see wild animals in their natural habitat, going about their daily business, and having the opportunity to get a glimpse into their worlds. Knowing that both whales spent much of the day in one general portion of Jeffreys Ledge makes you wonder will they be back there again tomorrow, will they move on to other areas in the Gulf of Maine, could we possibly see both of them together again in a completely different place? Guess we will hopefully find out tomorrow when we travel back to Jeffreys Ledge and search again for signs of whale life!

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