Blue Ocean Society's Whale Sightings

Greetings! Thanks for visiting our blog. Our staff and interns will be posting their experiences here working on whale watch boats in NH and MA.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Saturday's Atlantic Queen Trip

Another great day on the water, and I can assure you it was better than being stuck inland in the heat! We started out with a great pod of Atlantic white-sided dolphins. There were many dolphins and they were pretty spread out, but there were probably 100-150 of them, and lots of mom/calf pairs, which are always great to see.
Atlantic White-sided Dolphins

Lunge-Feeding Humpback

Then we headed east, and found a bunch of humpback whales, made up of several individuals and a few together in pairs. Highlights included spending time with our old friend Flask (a male first sighted in 1982) and watching him bubble feed, then seeing Milky Way (female born in 1986) who I haven't seen yet this year, and Freckles, another female and another "first" for me! At one point, a minke whale zoomed through and it looked small and graceful compared to the humpbacks who were about twice its size! There were even a few fin whales around. I was sorry it was time to go home, because we saw three fin whales pretty close to each other on the way out.

Milky Way


Thanks to all our passengers for joining us and for your support. I wanted to particularly thank Leo and Lori Gagnon, who've been great supporters and friends of Blue Ocean Society for a few years now and always make it out to our events!

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