4 humpbacks together! Nile, Barb, Valley and Kahoutek (flipper-slapping) |
Another great day! We had more humpbacks than I've seen in one trip all season - 10 total, including 4 swimming together - something we hardly ever see! We also had a number of minke whales (4 total), a quick look at a fin whale, and a few Atlantic white-sided dolphins spotted by some passengers and our interns on our way home!
Kahoutek flipper-slapping |
We got out to the Ledge and saw a couple whales near a boat from Gloucester. They mentioned they had seen a couple blows out further, so we headed a bit north and saw two blows - but as we got closer, the blows materialized into 4 whales, all together! These were 4 older whales - Nile, Valley, Kohoutek, and Barb. Then, one of the whales (who turned out to be Kohoutek) started flipper-slapping, giving us great looks at its 1-ton pectoral fin!
Valley's fluke |
Valley doing a tail lob next to Kahoutek, who was flipper-slapping |
1/2 of Kahoutek's fluke |
After watching these 4 for a bit, we headed out to spend some time with Dross, another humpback whale.
Dross |
There were others in the distance, and a fin whale, that we got a couple quick looks at. After some terrific looks at humpback whales (and humpback flippers!) we headed for Rye, only to be waylaid by 2 more humpbacks - Clamp (who was born in 1990) and her calf! It was a great way to end the trip!
Clamp (right) and calf (left) |
Clamp's distinctive fluke |
Thanks to all who joined us and braved the weather forecast, only to find ourselves cruising on calm seas and under sunny skies at the end!
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