We also had the opportunity to see 4 other Fin whales swimming through the water together! You kept seeing spout, spout, spout, spout from all these whales as they surfaced for a few good breaths before watching all four of them arch their backs steeply and synchronized their dive times together. Wow. Turned out that wasn't the only group of whales we saw.
We also ended up spending time with a trio of Humpback whales. It was Mudskipper, her calf, and Chickadee.
All three whales were also timing their surfacings and diving behaviors together, coming up and circling in all different direction. What a sight to see a large adult female swimming alongside her "tiny" calf and a potential juvenile animal.

Our travels also took us past a Blue Shark, which we tried to feed it hot dog bites but turned out it wasn't a big fan (oh well, maybe next time!) as well as a few other Humpback whales including Quote's 2008 calf and even a pod of Atlantic white-sided dolphins! What a great way to end our morning trip!
The afternoon trip provided its own memorable moments when we started out with another shark, one of the 2nd largest sharks in the world, a Basking Shark! This fish swam just off our port side and with it being so close to the surface of the water you could really get a sense of just how large this fish was! We pressed on in search of some marine mammals and ended up seeing 2 Minke whales, 2 Fin whales, and 2 Humpback whales after that! We knew our Humpback whales as both Chickadee and Hornbill graced us with their presence for all of our passengers to see.

Chickadee was busy circling and surfacing with lots of water filtering out of its mouth. Looks like we caught the right time to watch this animal do some deeper feeding this afternoon!
As always a great day on the water with some wonderful passengers. We had family, friends, Birthday celebrations, and lots of first time whale watchers of all ages! Thanks to everyone who spent the day with us on our adventures to Jeffreys Ledge. What a beautiful and wonderful day!

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