Our morning trip started with a Minke whale that didn't seem to want to go on a deep dive. This whale surfaced 18 times before going on a deeper dive. Since this whale continued to slowly move in a steady direction we got some wonderful looks at this "small" species, an animal that can easily reach length of 20-30 feet long. Doesn't sound all that small to me!
The trip continued further offshore. We ended up hopping from one Fin whale to another. Spending time with one of these animals allowed for some nice looks and during our travels it didn't take long to find more.

Our first Fin whale sighting of the day. At one point this whale surfaced filtering water out of its mouth as seen above with the disturbance (or white water) expelling out of the whale's mouth

Lots of body as this Fin whale goes on a deep dive
A few of the whales we saw were circling around the area and doing lots of filtering at the surface. These whales were doing some deep water feeding, scooping up lots of food (small school fish or crustaceans called krill), and surfacing for a breath, all the while continuously "spitting out" all the salt water trapped inside the mouth and keeping all the food inside!
Check out this sequence of looks as one of our Fin whale's surfaced just feet from the boat filtering out water; and indication of some deep water feeding!

We were back on our way this afternoon in hopes of being lucky enough to see any of what we saw this morning. While our travels to whales took a bit of time, what we spotted was another awesome time spent with such impressive creatures. Our eagle-eyed crew spotted whales way out in the distance and once we got up to them we realized it was a trio of Fin whales swimming through the water together. With a bit more time spent with these whales we quickly realized it was 2 of the same animals we had seen moving through the water together this morning, but the third whale was one not even seen during the morning hours! In just a matter of hours our group of four Fin whales from the morning had broken slightly apart. Two remained together, two split off, and a new whale joined forces. What a great opportunity to witness the comings and goings of mammals just like us.

We continued to watch this whale as we soon realized our group of Fin whales were coming through as well. At one point we had our Humpback whale and the 3 Fin whales all near by. Our extra special treat just before leaving the whales was when out of the blue this one year old Humpback whale tail-breached! The whale only did this behavior once but it was pretty amazing.
Another incredible, unexpected, and beautiful day out on Jeffreys Ledge. While we never know what the whales we end up finding are going to do at any given time, just watching these wild creatures go about their daily activities is as exciting as finding them in the first place.
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