Blue Ocean Society's Whale Sightings

Greetings! Thanks for visiting our blog. Our staff and interns will be posting their experiences here working on whale watch boats in NH and MA.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

July 23 Prince of Whales

This heat has got to go! Many of you had the right idea today when you put on your sea legs and headed to the ocean with us!

Although I missed our morning whale/bird watching trip, I heard it was a success with several minke whales and a very huge fin whales (and many birds too!)

This afternoon we were treated to a hungry fin whale feeding fairly close to shore. This whale was surfacing with its mouth filled with water and fish, and was filtering out the water as it came up.

Fin whale blowholes

Fin whale surfacing, about to spout!

Further offshore, we found a second fin whale. This one appeared to be feeding as well, based on the short dives and staying in the same area. This is a new whale that we have seen several times this summer but hasn't been given an ID number yet.
Fin whale dorsal fin

As we headed for home, we heard from our friends on the Atlantic Queen of a humpback whale not far away. As we moved into the area, we saw Hornbill, one of our frequent humpback visitors!

Fabulous look at Hornbill's whole tail!

Hornbill has been notorious for not picking up his tail very much and sometimes being difficult to get close to but this afternoon we were lucky to get some very nice looks at this whale, who was first seen in 1977!

Thanks to everyone on board today's trips!
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