Blue Ocean Society's Whale Sightings

Greetings! Thanks for visiting our blog. Our staff and interns will be posting their experiences here working on whale watch boats in NH and MA.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

June 25 Atlantic Queen

An incredible trip today! We were all so grateful to leave the hot, humid temperatures on land for some cooler weather. Once we were under way we headed down towards the southern end of Jeffreys Ledge. The ledge extends from Cape Ann in Massachusetts up to Cape Elizabeth in Maine. Our first sighting was of Pinball. She has been hanging out in the area for quite some time now. And what a sighting it was! She was so curious and approaching the boat time and time again. We even got to see whale poop! Whale poop is very exciting for scientists because it gives us a way to study these endangered animals without harming them in any way. From the color of her poop we could tell that she had been eating herring and mackerel.  Below are some of the best photos from watching her.

After a while we decided to explore the area a little more, but not before coming across a few minke whales.

In the distance we saw a spout for another humpback whale. It was Satula, a male humpback whale. Pinball and Satula have been seen together for 3-4 four days since 2001 (when Satula still had a dorsal fin).

Satula was very active and gave the passengers quite the show! We saw tail slashes, flipper slapping, and some behavior I have never seen before. We even saw some whale poop from Satula (photo above).

Truly a whale watch for the books! Thank you to everyone who joined us. We hope to see you again soon!

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