Blue Ocean Society's Whale Sightings

Greetings! Thanks for visiting our blog. Our staff and interns will be posting their experiences here working on whale watch boats in NH and MA.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Atlantic Queen August 1

What a weird day. There were plenty of whales around, but it was difficult to get good looks at them - they just weren't spending much time at the surface!  We did see a total of 6 fin whales, starting with a fin whale that popped up right next to the boat, only to take a long time to resurface.

Here are two of the fin whales:

Then, we saw another blow in the distance. This turned out to be a humpback whale, who we haven't identified yet.  We got a quick look at its dorsal fin, but it didn't fluke when it dove.

At that point, we were pretty far from Rye, so decided to head home.  Sometimes we have to be grateful that we get to see whales at all, even though we might not get terrific looks at them! After cruising awhile, the captain said, "Something just breached over there," and it turned out to be a humpback!  This whale was Sundown, who was first seen in 2007!

Sundown tail-breached (threw the lower half of its body) out of the water several times, and we got great looks at its tail. This great sighting towards the end of the trip definitely made up for some challenges earlier on!

Sundown's distinctive fluke
Thanks to everyone who joined us today!

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