As I headed to Rye Harbor today the fog was as thick as pea soup! I will be honest I was nervous we would not see anything but fog. As we headed to the Isles of Shoals out of no where the fog lifted, the sun warmed us up and we were on our way. There were no other boats in site when we saw one blow,which turned into 2! I was very excited to see there were 2 humpback whales!
"Ballpark" in the foreground with a friend |
"Ballpark" with a big barnacle on its dorsal fin |
Our beautiful fin whale |
We also had 2 fin whales in the area,we spent time with just one,but it was amazing sightings coming up right in front of us! Our passengers were so spoiled today! Great passengers and great whales who were just staying with us only going down for short periods of time. Wow what a day! Many thanks to all who supported our mission today!
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