A lot of whale breath to smell today! It is always a treat to be able to spend time with whales in there natural habitat and be close enough to smell there breath. The breeze and sea's were so calm today the fragrance stayed with us for several minutes.
Our sleepy fin whale |
Our first stop was a very relaxed and sleepy fin whale. This whale stayed next to us off our port side for over 10 minutes just below the surface taking a nice nap.
A humpback whale swimming along our port side |
Crystal was still on the ledge today,at times lifting his big pectoral flipper and slapping it on the surface. Crystal was not alone today,he always seems to have a friend around,he was traveling with Patches the humpback whale
"Patches" |
It's hard to believe the summer is winding down, we will still be out there searching the ledge for whales everyday until after Labor Day,it has been a fun and hard working summer for us researching whales that can travel many miles to and from the ledge in a matter of hours. There is still no better job in the world and we are truly blessed to have all of these amazing animals right off our shores.
Congratulations to Richard and Ali who won our raffle today "Satula" the humpback whale.
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