If you have been a regular visitor to out sightings page you know we have been posting how different each day can be when you want to watch and study whales in a big area. Why are they here one day and then gone the next? Only they know. Tuesday we saw 4 fin whales, including "Ladder" on of our adopt a whales from the Blue Ocean Society, 5-6 dolphins, 3 harbor porpoise, a young humpback whale, and a blue shark!
Our young humpback waiting for a name |
Wednesday was a whole different story. It was a bit bumpy heading out to the ledge with winds gusting sending a bit of spray onto some of our passengers, including myself! Today was all about fin whales. Our first whale gave us some nice looks of its bright chevron.
Fin whale chevron |
Even more chevron! |
Though each day brings many surprises, some better than others, we are so fortunate to live in one of the best whale watching area's in the world! Thank you to all of our passengers today and to Drew from Baltimore who won our raffle today, Trigger, the fin whale! Happy early birthday to Jessie, on of our fun, energetic deck hands!!
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