Humpback whale |
We've had good whale watches lately, but they've been frustrating, with whales taking long dives and sometimes only providing quick glimpses at the surface. But today was fantastic - we started out with awesome looks at a fin whale, and it only got better from there!
Fin whale, showing the white lower jaw on the right side of its head |
Fin whale |
After spending time with a fin whale taking 3-5 minute dives (a luxury after the day before, when the whale was taking 10-11 minute dives!), we decided to see what else we could find. We moved into an area that had two more fin whales, and then on the horizon, spotted multiple blows that looked like an entirely different species.
Pina in the foreground |
We went to investigate, and found ourselves surrounded by humpback whales! There were at least 6 whales nearby, and we spent our time with a trio of humpbacks - Churn, Chablis and Pina, who offered great looks at their magnificent flukes and their backs and flippers as they slowly moved next to the boat. During this time, another fin whale swam by for a close look, also.
Chablis |
Churn |
Pina |
It was a great finale to a whale-tastic trip! Thanks to everyone who joined us!
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