Blue Ocean Society's Whale Sightings

Greetings! Thanks for visiting our blog. Our staff and interns will be posting their experiences here working on whale watch boats in NH and MA.

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Aug 4th Starfish

We had a beautiful day on the Starfish this afternoon! We started off our trip with a quick glance at a Minke whale on our way out. Then we encountered a great group of Atlantic White-Sided Dolphins, including some calves. The dolphins were playing in the wake of the boat, and some of them had very high jumps in the air! While we observing the dolphins, we also got some great looks at a large Blue shark, right next to the boat!

A little while later, we found two wonderful Humpback whales, of which we were able to get some fantastic looks. The whales appeared to be traveling together, and one even seemed to be consistently waiting near the surface while the other was diving deeper!

With the whale close to the surface, you can really get a great look at those long, white flippers that appear green due to all of the plankton in the water! 

Once we were able to see the flukes of these whales, we realized they were called Cajun and Crystal. Cajun has a mostly white tail, and for the passenger who was curious about her age, she was born in 1998, making her 14 years old this year!

Crystal has a much darker tail and actually has a very famous mother - she is the 1979 or 1980 calf of Salt, the first humpback whale to be named!

Thank you again to all of our attentive and interested passengers - it was a pleasure to talk to everyone and answer such great questions during the trip! We hope to see you again sometime, either on the boat or at one of our other events!

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