Blue Ocean Society's Whale Sightings

Greetings! Thanks for visiting our blog. Our staff and interns will be posting their experiences here working on whale watch boats in NH and MA.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Saturday's Atlantic Queen Trip

Fin whale

It was a thrilling day on the water, with a total of 5 fin whales, 2 humpbacks and 1 minke whale!

We got a quick glimpse of a minke as we passed the Isles of Shoals, and then moved on to an area with lots of fin whales and a couple humpbacks. It's always exciting to have so much life in one area. We get lots of time with the whales and don't have to cruise very far in between.

After getting great looks at fin whales, we came upon a feeding humpback - a whale I haven't identified yet (will post its ID when we know it!). The whale excited us by coming up right next to us several times with water cascading from its mouth - a sign that it was feeding! The whale was so close at one point that we could actually watch its blowholes open and close as it breathed!

Humpback surfacing next to the boat - the green is its flipper (pectoral fin), which is actually white. It looks green underwater because of all the plankton in the Gulf of Maine!

We then spent time with Anvil's 2009 calf, a young humpback we've seen several times this year already. After some great looks, we headed for home.

Anvil's 2009 Calf

As we headed home, it was gratifying to have a chance to interact with the passengers, and know that our educational efforts continued on the way in. Heather, one of our interns, and I spent time answering questions and introducing passengers to the wonderful sounds whales make, and many passengers helped Blue Ocean Society's efforts by purchasing merchandise like photo notecards, stuffed whales and apparel. Thanks to those who joined us!

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