Blue Ocean Society's Whale Sightings

Greetings! Thanks for visiting our blog. Our staff and interns will be posting their experiences here working on whale watch boats in NH and MA.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

July 1 - Aboard the Granite State

I consider myself extremely lucky to have a job I love. As we go out everyday in search of wild animals, I am often asked by passengers if I ever get tired of it, and my answer is always, "No." I tell people that it's a surprise everyday when we look for wild animals, and while some days may be a little more challenging than others to find them, it's a new experience everytime. Today was an experience that will stay with me for quite some time. We had multiple species and multiple numbers throughout the day, and had a couple of surprises as well. This young Humpback whale decided to spend some quality time with the Granite State and after awhile we were not sure who was watching who. Today was a rare occurence, one our passengers still couldn't believe as they stepped off the boat.

A different Humpback, Anvil's 09 calf, was quite hungry today. A bubble cloud, photographed below, is one way Humpbacks feed.
The bubbles help scare fish into a tight group, allowing the whale to feed on large amounts of food.

We also had the opportunity to see close to 10 Fin whales in one area today. It's not everyday that you can say you were surrounded by the second largest animal in the world. One of the Fin whales we saw today was identified as "Blunt." This whale, photographed below, was seen for the first time in 2005.

As the day ended, I thought about all the different whales we had encountered and I will always remember to expect the unexpected!

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