Blue Ocean Society's Whale Sightings

Greetings! Thanks for visiting our blog. Our staff and interns will be posting their experiences here working on whale watch boats in NH and MA.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

August 11 - Prince of Whales- Newburyport

Fin whales, blue sharks, tuna, and another right whale today!! I love seeing multiple fin whales in the area- it shows just how much food must be around for these huge whales since they are known to consume 1-2 tons of fish/krill per day!

We saw the critically endangered right whale from afar for a couple of surfacings. We made sure to give this animal plenty of space that it well deserves and needs. I keep telling folks that seeing a right whale is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for them since we so rarely have them in this area, and since there are so few of them to begin with. But lately we have been seeing one or two in the area with the fins and minkes. I have no idea how long these whales will stick around but I'm guessing they will be departing the area shortly as they aren't normally seen around here this time of year.

The fin whale we spent most of our time with was extremely cooperative by only diving for 2.5 minutes and at one point, swam right up to the boat! This whale was absolutely beautiful but it wasn't until I got home that I noticed the odd shape of its blow. Usually, a fin whale's blow is very tall and columnar. Looking at the images, each blow is T-shaped...very interesting.

I haven't had time to attempt to identify this individual, or the one seen yesterday but will update as soon as I do! Also, we all got some great looks at a blue shark that was close to this fin whale. We sneaked up behind it (well, as much as a 95-foot vessel can sneak up on something) and could see the distinct blueish coloring and long pointed pectoral fins. Once the shark realized we were there, it made a quick turn and swam away. Still an great sighting!!

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