Blue Ocean Society's Whale Sightings

Greetings! Thanks for visiting our blog. Our staff and interns will be posting their experiences here working on whale watch boats in NH and MA.

Monday, August 19, 2013

August 19, Captain's Lady III

Another perfect day near Jeffreys Ledge! On our way out, we got a report from a fishing boat of some dolphins just inshore of the Ledge. As we approached the area, our crew started searching. Instead of seeing little dolphin splashes and fins, we spotted a blow from a large whale a few miles in front of us! We slowed down, and as we were anticipating seeing a big whale, we instead found the pod of Atlantic white sided dolphins! We checked out this pod of about 20-30 dolphins, and then out of nowhere, we found the large whale! Or should I say, it found us!! We soon realized that this fin whale was hanging out with the pod of dolphins!!!  Catching us completely off guard, it surfaced right next to us and right in the middle of the dolphin pod.  Awesome!  The whale certainly knew we were there- our engines were on (but not in gear) so it could hear us, and being a 110-foot boat, it had to have seen us! Sometimes the whales are just as curious about us as we are about them!
Atlantic white sided dolphin
Fin whale crossing the bow!

Fin whale's head with white lower jaw showing

With the activity so close to land today, we got to spend an hour with this group. We also spotted a minke whale briefly nearby! Quite the diverse crowd on the Ledge!  We are still working on identifying this curious, social fin whale- it could be a new addition to our area!

Thanks to our wonderful passengers for your great questions and genuine interest!

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