A great afternoon out on the water today!
We left the dock and motored out to Jeffrey's Ledge where we quickly came upon a large group of sei whales! We spent time following a group of four of these rare and endangered animals, while many more sei whales spouted and and swam around us. The group of four put on a spectacular show for us, surfacing close to the boat and spouting rainbows in the sunny sky!

After we left the four sei whales we briefly came upon two more sei whales who were just as happy and willing to spend a few minutes showing us how majestic they really are!

While we were watching the sei whales some of the passengers noticed a disturbance in the water not too far away. We went over to the area and discovered a very rare North Atlantic Right Whale! We arrived just in time to see his distinctive "V" shape blow a few times and then a very amazing fluke as he dove down into the water column. What a treat!
Thanks to everyone who came out with us on the Prince of Whales today! We hope you had an amazing time! Also, Congratulations to Nancy Elliot who won our Whale Adoption Raffle!
(Pics to be coming soon.)
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