Another beautiful day on the water...We started with a sighting of 3 harbor porpoise before the Isles of Shoals and since they can be somewhat elusive around boats, we decided to continue past the islands and see what Jeffrey's Ledge had in store. In total we had 5 Minkes, 11 Sei whales, a blue shark, an ocean sunfish, about 50 Atlantic white sided dolphins and 1 highly endangered Northern Right Whale! The whales were out in full force, and with glassy calm seas once again today, we could see whales along the surface very easily.
It seemed to be that the more area we explored, the more whales we would find. Here are some of my favorite photos from the day...
Our first Minke whale of the day
One of our many Sei whales

A different Sei whale in the area...
This dolphin decided to swim right next to the Granite State
As August comes to a close, we welcome September with all the whale sightings it has to offer! Here's to our fall whale watch season!
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