This morning we started our trip with a very familiar whale. It was Dingle the Fin whale.

Some of our other sightings this morning included an Ocean Sunfish and two other Fin whales. This sunfish, as these creatures always seem to do, had no fear and swam right on over towards the boat today! At least everyone on board got a chance to get some close up looks at such a weird looking fish. Even though this fish didn't spend too much time on the surface of the water, it was definitely one of the larger sunfish we have seen this season.
As for our Fin whale pair, while spending time with them they surfaced just off the port side of the boat as you could really get a sense of just how large this species truly is!

The second Fin whale in the pair was showcasing a lot of its body as a few times when it went on a deeper dive a large majority of it's tailstock was seen above the surface of the water. At one point the very top portion of its tail was just visible on the ocean's edge! We definitely do not see that all the time when watching these very large creatures!

The trip ended with a few other baleen whales, Sei whales to be exact, moving through the water together. Even though we do not have a Sei whale catalog (but think one might be started this winter!!!) you could definitely distinguish these 3 whales from each other. Check out the very unique dorsal fin shapes and body markings seen on our trio of Sei whales:

This afternoon we were back out and looking for whales. We ended up with the same area from the morning and came across 2 Fin whales. Once again it turned out that the two whales we spent time with this afternoon were not any of the ones spotted from the morning!

What a quick shifting/movement/rearranging of these large whales recently! Same spot and completely different individuals. Awesome.
Seems to be anybody's guess as to what we may come across tomorrow!
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