On our way out to the ledge, we came across a minke whale who stayed by the boat for quite some time. We were quickly joined by a second minke and it appeared that both of the whales were taking short dives beneath the surface to feed.

After we left the minkes we headed out to where our friends aboard the Atlantic Queen were hanging out with some Atlantic White Sided Dolphins! It was a small pod of about 30 individuals, and they were frequently diving down and moving around to feed on the nearby fish, but we managed to spend a lot of time observing them! The passengers on the bow of the Starfish even got a glimpse of a dolphin jumping out of the water!

After we left the dolphins we headed out a short ways and came upon the ocean's second biggest animal, the finback whale! This fin put on a great show for us, spouting and diving down frequently! The passengers were amazed at how big this creature was! Pretty soon we were joined by a second fin whale and another minke whale a little ways off!

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