Often times, people will question us aboard the boat as to whether we get bored with going out day after day in search of whales. I always say "No," because sightings change from trip to trip and from day to day and whales are constantly moving around, travelling to different areas to feed all summer long. That is one of the main reasons why we collect population data throuhgout every season. Everyday is truely different out on Jeffrey's Ledge and if someone asked me today what I thought we might see, today's sightings would not have been mentioned. I may have said that we occasionally have rare sightings in our area and that one never knows what they might see when ventruing out in search of cetacean activity.
I say this because we had almost 20 Sei whales and 1 highly endangered North Atlantic Right Whale on each of our trips today and it was truely unexpected! Not only did we see the rarest baleen whale in the world, but we had another rare sighting as well and almost 20 of them throughout each trip! At one point during the morning we had close to a dozen Sei whales all around the boat and they were in groups of 4 or more!

Today was truely unexpected and I will remember the experience for quite some time! Thank you to all our passengers who joined us today.
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