Blue Ocean Society's Whale Sightings

Greetings! Thanks for visiting our blog. Our staff and interns will be posting their experiences here working on whale watch boats in NH and MA.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

July 10 Starfish

An eventful day out in the Gulf of Maine on the Starfish today! We weren't 3 miles out of the harbor when our passengers spotted a harbor seal and a harbor porpoise! Both sightings were very quick and unfortunately not everyone was able to see the seal. Luckily they didn't have to wait long because we came across another seal! A group of kids was very helpful in pointing these out to the other passengers. As we continued our way out to the ledge we found 3 minke whales before our first sighting of a fin whale that surprised everyone on the boat. Unfortunately this whale was traveling and we didn't spend much time with this individual. 

In the distance we had a report of a humpback whale. This particular whale is named Dyad, and has been hanging out on Jeffreys Ledge for a few days now. Dyad has not disappointed in the last few days. Always giving the passengers quite the show, and plenty of opportunities for photos of the underside of the fluke.

We finished our trip with another sighting of a fin whale, though very low in profile. Thank you to everyone who joined us on board the Starfish, and congratulations to Matthew from Georgia for winning the whale adoption raffle! See you again soon.

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