Blue Ocean Society's Whale Sightings

Greetings! Thanks for visiting our blog. Our staff and interns will be posting their experiences here working on whale watch boats in NH and MA.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

July 6 Atlantic Queen

Calm seas out on the water yesterday. We had beautiful weather for our trip out to Jeffreys Ledge. Got a report of a humpback whale early in the trip and headed out to see this whale ourselves. It was Halfmoon, a male humpback that was first seen in 1978. Passengers got some great photos of this whale as it fluked near the boat several times. It was so great to see a humpback again out on the ledge. We were then joined by some other whale watching vessels in the area, and decided to continue to explore the ledge. 

It was not long before we found a few minke whales in the near vicinity. Overall we saw four minke whales throughout the trip. All of which were feeding, but being very cooperative and sometimes even curious about our boat.

After we spent some time with the minke whales, we traveled on further north in search of a fin whale that had been seen earlier in the afternoon. After some searching we found the whale with just enough time to get some close looks. What a treat to see six whales in total, and three separate species. Thank you to everyone who joined us out on this trip. We hope to see you soon!

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