Blue Ocean Society's Whale Sightings

Greetings! Thanks for visiting our blog. Our staff and interns will be posting their experiences here working on whale watch boats in NH and MA.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

July 11 on the Atlantic Queen

Pinball the humpback
We've had wonderful weather and whales this week!  We started by seeing a minke whale close to the Isles of Shoals, but were eager to get further offshore, so headed out to Jeffreys Ledge where we first saw a fin whale, and then spent time getting great looks at Dyad, a female humpback first seen in 1987.

We got a really good example of what whales deal with on a day-to-day basis, as we watched Dyad nearly get hit by a passing large vessel. We are in the process of trying to inform relevant authorities that perhaps they should keep a closer watch for whales (and whale watch boats) when they are transiting through the Gulf of Maine.

Fin whale
We continued on and saw 2 more fin whales who were traveling in the same general direction, another humpback in the distance, and then cruised further to the east to find Pinball, a 23-year old whale, and her calf!
Pinball's distinctive fluke

Pinball and calf
Unfortunately, we also saw lots of marine debris during the trip (yet another human interaction whales have to deal with!), including bags and plastic bottles, even more than 20 miles offshore. To see a map of our debris sightings over the past few years, along with sightings of Pinball and other whales, you can click here.

Plastic bottle offshore
What appears to be a plastic bag - which can be a choking hazard for sea turtles and other marine life
Throughout the trip, minke whales were plentiful, also, bringing our totals of whales to 9 minkes, 3 fin whales, and 4 humpbacks - a terrific day!

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